Engagement Session (Sorta…)

Photo By : Brendan McLean

While driving home on Friday after checking out a bunch of equipment for a busy weekend, my engagement couple who I was planning on meeting with this weekend had to cancel. If I wasn’t stressed enough already, this was the nail in the coffin for me. I desperate and started texting all my friends who are currently in relationships hoping that I could get somebody to help me out. Luckily, my friends Eman and Katie were thrilled with the idea and immediately jumped to help me out. That being said, we met up this morning at Guilford College a knocked out a really fun session. It was nice getting an assignment done, but it was also really fun meeting up with some friends and being able to give them some pictures of them together. I’ve known Eman since I was 10 years old so I was also a lot more comfortable around him and Katie. I am forever grateful for these friends.

Photo By : Brendan McLean

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